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Bob & Jackie Robinson
I came from a very contemporary, modern, happening rocked out Baptist church that had all the bells and whistles, light shows and fog for the worship team and you know what? I grew to really dislike it, especially after being exposed to the \\"old fashioned\\" Orthodox way. BUT, what I\'ve seen and wonder about in the Orthodox church is why aren\'t we reaching out to the lost people of this earth. I\'ve shared Christ in India (Hindus), Thailand (Buddhist) and about 10 other countries and until the Orthodox start doing that in a much more aggressive way, people will just keep on being born and dying without ever having the joy of knowing Christ on this earth. That stinks! We don\'t need to compromise our Truth, our Faith as given to us by the Apostles, but we do have to go, love and share the good news that Jesus is alive and well and loves people.
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