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On science - Why don\'t we talk about science in church in a way that\'s supportive, instead of always focusing on what\'s wrong with it? (Yes, there are things wrong with it, I know.)
On faith - I\'m not, have not, and do not in anyway suggesting that we do anything about our traditions, just the way we think about them. Christ is perfect, yes. But that does not mean we are. And what is the church but a collection of us, who are imperfect? They way we approach faith, the world even, always sounds so vindictive, absolutist, and even primitive. That\'s not to say that our root beliefs are primitive. We just get them out in a way that often sounds negative. Often times the Orthodox Church can seem like a rigid, unwelcoming, exclusive entity to anyone on the outside.
Where is the Orthodox school?
Where is the Orthodox hospital?
Why is there not more communication between us and other religions?
Where are the Orthodox relief workers and peace activists?
Where are the churches that want to teach children about science, rather than teach them that science is ultimately a sick counterfit?
Why is the church still a minority, and a shrinking one at that?
Can we really just pin all this on everyone else?
Where\'s the humility to take responsibility for the failures of Christians?
I\'m not a heretic.
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