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\\"What I really want to see is people of Orthodox faith encouraging scientific research and those who follow that path. There isn\'t very much of that in the church today. Far more often I see Orthodox putting science down, which is disappointing\\"
I think this is where most of us are confused about your point... WHAT FIELD of science or technology? it\'s rather broad.
In the medical sciences, our Church has declared some things to be unethical - such as using stem cells from aborted fetuses.. is this the kind of research you mean?
Research with computers?
what area?
most of those areas are not in conflict with the church... and orthodox do work in those areas, I\'m sure.... and issues of those areas in conflict with the church have mostly been addressed...
so what are you looking for? really?
many faithful are content with the simple life, because the simple life is a simpler approach to Christ... we don\'t NEED to know about computers.. we don\'t NEED to know about photosynthesis... we don\'t NEED to know the diet and habitat of galapagos turtles... it\'s not necessary for a life in Christ - and maybe that\'s why you don\'t see it much... but also, the orthodox within those fields just do it - no need for fanfare, it\'s their God given talent, and they are not wasting it.
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