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If His Eminence has erred, then according to the established order in the Church, he should be judged by his peers, the bishops. If he has failed in something or acted willfully in contravention of the holy canons, he will have to give an account, as shall we all for all our sins, from the greatest to the least, at the Dread Judgement. One of those sins for which we may have to give account is sitting in judgement on the clergy, a very terrible crime, since they have been given by God the grace of the holy priesthood, which by God\'s mercy provides the holy sacraments, without which we would be cut off from life and salvation. While there is plenty of scandalous behavior one can report and discuss that other people have shown, it would be far better for us to commend the clergy and ourselves and one another to God with our fervent prayer and to ponder how we have caused scandal to others--clergy, laity, saints and angels, even God, and repent of this. Truth be told, we have grieved the Holy Spirit far more with our sins than anyone has grieved us.
Those who willfully act against truth will have a lot to fear in the end. For this, we ought to pity them and all men, and pray for them as we would for our own souls, that we all might be granted sincere repentance before the Lord calls us from this life.
Scandals will always come in this world, and those who cause them will receive a recompense, but we cannot do anything about them but be true to what we know, fast and pray, and continue trying our best to live an Orthodox life, with God\'s help.
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