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Patrickcbd wrote:
moses916 wrote:
But I ask, what has been done that is compromised at this point? :)
As I said before, the message, especially in this country, is that Orthodoxy is just another way of getting to God. Not the only, just another. Part of the cafeteria spirituality of our culture. The fruit of the ecumenical movement if you ask me.
It also sows confusion among the faithful. After all, if the Archbishop can do it, so can I. I actually know of people who proudly state that some Sundays they go to the Roman Catholic Church (and receive communion), and some Sundays they come to ours (and receive communion). After all, we're pretty much the same, right?
I'll agree that Canons can be set aside at times, I just don't agree that this is such a time. I think the fruit of ecumenism has largely been bad.
I have to agree with you that its been bad most of the time, however, I must say ecumenical dialogue is a lot different than ecumenical prayer. If we do not talk, no one will know about us and what we believe. If we sell out and pray and say we\'re the same, then that\'s pretty bad and it gives off the image you were describing. Now, there are two possibilities with Archbishop Demetrius, he could have prayed with an ecumenical intent, or he simply said a prayer to bless the country and its president. After all we do mention the name of the President in our Liturgy (at the chalice during the great entrance and about 3-4 times in the petitions), what does that mean? Politics? perhaps. Or sincere prayer to help our country and its leader? I cannot judge, I am only trying to say we should wait and see what was his intent (selling out or sincere prayer in the presence of non-Orthodox). :)
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