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Thread: Evangelism
robotom, you totally reminded me of a story from college when you said, \\"for me, I was trying to get closer to a greek orthodox girl I was dating.\\"
I had a roommate from Kenya and one day he asked if I thought it would be a good idea to get baptized. I told him sure (I had thought he was already baptized in his church but apparently not). For some strange reason he became argumentative and he kept arguing the point for months. In the end I finally said dude, its a baptism, if you want to do it, you get dunked in water and are one with Christ. That\'s it. You don\'t lose an arm. The devil doesn\'t inhabit you. No one is going to love you or hate you any different, we your friends love you very much and just want you to make a good decision for yourself. (or something to that effect)
He left in what I assumed was an angry mood. Came back about an hour later very joyous, saying that he decided to get baptized. I asked ummmm, ok why? What changed your mind? He said OH, well, after I left here I met a very pretty girl in the library and told her what you told me and she said I should get baptized so that settled it for me.
LOL so ladies, never doubt the power of the Holy Spirit working in you!
As a side note turns out there were many issues he had with baptism from his culture there he didn\'t want to talk about, and eventually opened up about. He also had a fear of water from his childhood, which I helped him with, also teaching him to swim.
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