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Thread: Evangelism
robotom wrote:
I think part of the appeal is that it IS a secret.... not in the sense of hiding anything... but the plain and simple acknowledgement that we can't explain everything.... then is starts feeling more like contact with something other-worldly, and not just an insurance policy
unfortunately, I think the internet is no place to find the love of another person. During my conversion, it was the loving patience of the folks I met.. chats and silence on bus-rides home from OCF meetings, going to church, sitting alone, and just being clueless about all the unusual stuff going on...
I think there is something wrong with selling our church to be like some eccentric holiday from protestantism.... makes it seem like a Las Vegas theme hotel...
I would agree. This shouldn\'t be about selling anything. Christianity grew, IMO, in the first place because it offered answers to the spiritual ills of mankind. It is the truth.
At the same time, we can\'t be the best kept secret in North America - that seems to fly in the face of the . Many people, my nephew being one of them, are out searching for answers to numerous problems and questions, and may not have any Orthodox nearby to interact with. It would be useful if Orthodoxy was present out there in such a way that people would want to explore it a bit more. I know from personal experience that there is far more to Orthodoxy than one can glean from book (or internet) learning. But something has get people through the door. As you put it, if they think that its merely some eccentric holiday from Protestantism - then to the non-Christian it must come across as just some other variation of the \\"appease the angry God\\" bit or the \\"get out of hell free\\" game. Just older.
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