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Thread: Evangelism
I think you hit the nail on the head robotom. Sometimes we forget what the pervasive culture is like out there, and right now I have found the culture to be less than accepting of anything to do with Christianity. So when you say the last thing they want to hear is \\"Jesus\\" (yes I know sad isn\'t it) that totally hits the mark.
Now of course not everyone is like this. There are those who are seeking and I\'ve heard the expression way too many times, \\"Orthodoxy is the worlds best kept secret\\".
Well its time to get the secret out too.
So what I\'m suggesting is a multipronged approach. No need to give a hard sell to everyone, yet there is no need to apologize for who you are.
I think it was St. Steven who perhaps said it best, love one another for love is the best way to bring someone to Christ. (excuse the paraphrase, and perhaps incorrect credit)
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