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Thread: Evangelism
In a recent interview, Metropolitan Jonah asserted that Orthodox in the U.S. are better at sheep stealing than evangelizing non-believers. I thought he was right at the time, then I had an experience today that convinced me he was.
Today my nephew joined a group on Facebook called \\"Gnosticism\\", mostly centered on the teachings of Sylvia Browne - a standard issue psychic that Montel Williams apparently is fond of. You can read all of their beliefs on their site. At any rate, I thought I\'d join an Orthodox group, hoping he might click over and read what they had to say about themselves. Well, one group simply had a bunch of inside jokes about Orthodoxy, and another had the Nicene Creed plus the usual stuff about Orthodoxy being the original Church. At best, that might help grab some sheep, but it doesn\'t do a thing for non-believers.
So, what sorts of things should Orthodox have in their \\"intro\\" areas that help convince people they want to explore Orthodoxy? What can we do differently?
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