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Thread: A Novena
This in itself is not a novena, from what I know, because a novena is a prayer, and the only real prayer in this thing is the Lord\'s Prayer. It would be better to pray the Lord\'s Prayer as the Orthodox do, and leave the rest of this which to me is just weird.
A novena is simply a prayer or set of prayers prayed for nine days, as has been said above. As far as I know, it started in the West when it was still Orthodox. This, however, doesn\'t look anything like a traditional novena, which has the Our Father followed by one or more other liturgical prayers.
The Orthodox have things similar connected to the times of preparation for the feasts of the Church and, if one wishes to pray more intently for a specific period, one may. For example, a troparion to a saint could be read, or a canon or akathist, or a liturgical prayer--this would be in addition to one\'s daily prayers as a way to pray more intensely. If your concerns are with the Army, for example, you may want to seek the intercessions of soldier saints like Sts. George and Demitrius. If you have questions, you should consult your Orthodox priest. And if you don\'t have one on hand, consider contacting the abbot of local or known-to-you monastery, or another Orthodox priest on-line.
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