I normally don\'t forward stuff like this, but I thought it might be appropriate for a group like this. By the way, what is a Novena?:
You were chosen to receive this novena.
The moment you receive it, say :
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
GOD WANTED ME TO TELL YOU, it shall be well with you this coming year.
No matter how much your enemies try this year, they will not succeed.
You have been destined to make it and you shall surely achieve all your goals this year.
For the remainder of 2008 and all of 2009, all your agonies will be diverted and victory and prosperity will be incoming in abundance.
Today God has confirmed the end of your sufferings, sorrows and pain because HE that sits on the throne has remembered you. He has taken away the hardships and given you JOY. He will never let you down.
I knocked at heaven\'s door this morning, God asked me.. My child! What can I do for you? And I said,
\'Father, please protect and bless the person reading this message... \'
This is a Novena from Mother Theresa that started in 1952.
It has never been broken. Within 48 hours send 20 copies (Or as many as you can - God does know if you don\'t have 20 people to send it to. It\'s the effort and intent that counts.) to family and friends.
This is a powerful Novena. Couldn\'t hurt. Can only help.
Please do not break it..
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Thanks for the clarification. My cousin e-mailed it to me. Maybe God is trying to tell me something, by this.
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Armyman, it\'s a chain letter. It might be in the form of a prayer devotion, but it\'s still a chain letter. Ignore it.
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Well, my cousin (a relative) e-mailed it. I usually ignore chain letters, even when she sends me one, but this one was just a little different.
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My Roman Catholic step mom routinely sends me chain e-mails. Like the Novena to St. Jude. I was telling a convert from Protestantism that it must be a Roman Catholic thing. He said he thought chain e-mails were a Protestant thing:-D
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I don\'t like this text. Sounds a bit like a magic thing: \\"If you do this and that in the stipulated order, then this and that will happen to you ...\\" It shall be well with me, I shall achieve all my goals, victory and prosperity will be incoming in abundance, God has confirmed the end of my sufferings, sorrows and pain - oh, how nice - all this shall happen in the year to come - it\'s promised -
but is this our faith???
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What happens if you break it? Its a trap!! lol
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You bring up a good question. I had a long drawn out answer, but I don\'t know how to complete it. I\'ll just say:
1) How does the author of this Novena define all these things, and:
2) I don\'t expect to win the Powerball or the Mega Millions in the coming year.
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Ioannis wrote:
I don't like this text. Sounds a bit like a magic thing: \"If you do this and that in the stipulated order, then this and that will happen to you ...\" It shall be well with me, I shall achieve all my goals, victory and prosperity will be incoming in abundance, God has confirmed the end of my sufferings, sorrows and pain - oh, how nice - all this shall happen in the year to come - it's promised -
but is this our faith???
I agree. This is a bit on the voodoo side. We don\'t pray because we want God to grant us every wish we desire, we pray because we must - because it\'s necessary for the nourishment of our souls.
Reminds me a little bit about The Secret.
[url=http://everyday-blessings-orthodox.blogspot.com/2008/11/televangelism-false-hope.html]The Secret[/url]
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Maybe it is a majic amulet, and maybe not.
I want to put in a response to list how this might not apply to me.
My short term goals
1) NOT get kicked out of the Army because of an alcoholic 19 year old getting a DUI (Drinking age is 21 in Colorado)
2) Push to get a soldier kicked out of the Army at a rate of one per month.
3) Refinance my loans at a lower interest rate and for fewer months (Note not for less money than what I owe, unless I pay difference between balance and loan amount.)
4) Not get killed
5) My trials and tribulations be light
Now a BMW in my driveway and hitting the lottery jackpot would be nice, but I am NOT holding my breath. I also don\'t think God will allow me to be rewarded for my vindictiveness (See Goal # 2)
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My dad and husband are both Air Force, and it\'s tough on military folks possibly losing their jobs because of the actions of their dependents.
Prayers for you and the 19yo.
By the way, I visited your profile. We have the same birthday.
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The 19 year old is just a hypothetical example of a soldier doing something dumb, and his supervisor (me) getting chewed out for it.
My main point on the post, and I forgot it during this discussion was, that maybe God was trying to tell me something.
Maybe that all is NOT lost. Maybe I will get promoted, maybe NOT, but good things will still happen to me next year. I might not get rich, but I am still alive and NOT living in a dumpster.
I might need to pray more. let me say I DO need to pray more.
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True, I\'m NOT catholic, but I don\'t think my cousin is either. Does the Orthodox Church have anything similar to a Novena?
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This in itself is not a novena, from what I know, because a novena is a prayer, and the only real prayer in this thing is the Lord\'s Prayer. It would be better to pray the Lord\'s Prayer as the Orthodox do, and leave the rest of this which to me is just weird.
A novena is simply a prayer or set of prayers prayed for nine days, as has been said above. As far as I know, it started in the West when it was still Orthodox. This, however, doesn\'t look anything like a traditional novena, which has the Our Father followed by one or more other liturgical prayers.
The Orthodox have things similar connected to the times of preparation for the feasts of the Church and, if one wishes to pray more intently for a specific period, one may. For example, a troparion to a saint could be read, or a canon or akathist, or a liturgical prayer--this would be in addition to one\'s daily prayers as a way to pray more intensely. If your concerns are with the Army, for example, you may want to seek the intercessions of soldier saints like Sts. George and Demitrius. If you have questions, you should consult your Orthodox priest. And if you don\'t have one on hand, consider contacting the abbot of local or known-to-you monastery, or another Orthodox priest on-line.
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Read Akathists...
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dmitri mosier
I think the closest equivalent to novenas (at least here in America) we do, would be the chanting of the Paraclesis during the Dormition fast.
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