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John Chan
RublevFoundation wrote:
Always keep in mind: things are always more emotionally charged on feast days. You fly in, and Israeli customs poke and prode and ask why are you coming to Israel. Police and soldiers are prowling around with assault rifles in hand. You have pilgrims that are hot, tired, both physically and emotionally exhausted from jetlag and fasting. You have priests and monastics that have been up for hours, are behind schedule and are being pelted with requests for prayers and blessings. Evangelicals are trying to prosletize and secular tourists are wandering around like they are at Disneyland.
Everybody wants to be right at the Sepulchre, right next to the head of their jurisdiction, and they are all trying their hardest to get to a good spot in the crowd. Nobody is talking the same language, there are people with disesases and disorders all around you, people are spontaneously falling on the ground and praying, Palestinian kids are running in and out of the crowds....and then somebody steps in front of you or shoves your backpack off a shoulder.
sounds like Monday Morning, NYC...
giggle. nevermindme I was just passing thru.
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