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John Chan
Hi Hope. Good to \\"see\\" you again.
BTW, StGeorge got the job (he mentioned it on another thread somewhere). Congratulations!
But yes, you and artintel are right about the question not necessarily being a throw-away. I was writing from my own experience, which is from both sides of the interview table over the course of about twenty years. I am not in HR, so I don\'t see the question in the same way as someone screening through a long list of candidates.
But I do think that the question is an old one and as such, it is an expected question and many times will be answered with a rehearsed response. Whether that is productive or a waste of time depends on the interviewer. I wouldn\'t use the question since it seems to be a rather clumsy tool to get to know someone\'s work habits.
It seems to me that the best way to have a productive interview is to relax and be yourself - to research the employer and be confident that you would be a good fit for the job.
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