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Problem with the \"poverty breeds terrorists\" philosophy is in the fact that many of the terrorists in the West have been from wealthy Muslim families. Just look at the 9-11 hijackers and the medical doctors in the UK, etc. True, most of the terrorists locally in the mid-East are poorer, and can't get to the West to do their damage, but I think the problem stems from the influence of radical imams in the mosques. True, many zealous Muslim men point to western influences as a scapegoat, but fail to control their own behavior. Instead, they react like children at the slightest insult, who are not in control of themselves. Middle Eastern Christians do not act like that and can keep themselves in check, despite their poverty. The problem is in Islam and its convoluted teachings. Due to Islam's \"law of abrogation\" Mohammed will contradict himself from one sura to the next. So, as the Bible can be misinterpreted by protestant preachers, so can any given imam with an axe to grind, whether that be about the West, the Jews, the Hindus, other Muslims of a different flavor, etc. The only solution I see is that they come to Christ. Any other action by \"outsiders\" will be construed negatively.
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