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I am not sure if analysis of the reasons why people take to violent means will help. But I\'d like to share some points gathered during my interaction with colleagues and friends of other faiths.
1. The persons who take to violent methods are either from an impoverished and illiterate background who have been
mislead by \\"scholars\\" having extremist views to carry out these acts for financial gain.
2. The other category are persons with a high level of technical skill / financial resources who look at the decadent
culture of the west creeping into their society and corrupting the youth - hence their justification.
3. They have an almost rabid hate of Israel, Jews - even the star of David appearing on a book,T-shirt or toy is
4. They look at the fragmentation in Christendom with all these Protestant factions singing different tunes, different
Bible translations, widespread disagreement on many issues etc. and believe it is easy to sway a few of them into
their fold. So much publicity and encouragement is given to those converting to Islam.
5. They believe the military action in Iraq, Afghanistan etc. are a direct attack on their faith. Hence they sympathize
with those who \\"stand up for the faith\\" and are \\"martyred\\" for their cause. Thus they justify the acts of suicide
bombers in Iraq, pirates from Somalia, rebels in Kashmir, Chechnya, etc. They question why the west is not doing
anything in Zimbabwe where Mugabe is plundering away.
6. Many of them sidestep the issue when asked about their patriotism to their home country or adopted country - be it
a sporting event or joining the armed forces.
7. Of course there are also exceptional cases as well. The moderates are mostly the educated classes having
successful family businesses and not averse to mingling with the secular crowd.
There are many things though, that we can learn from them - such as being fastidious in prayer routine come what may, abstention from prohibited vices etc.
If anything some of them are so zealous they think nothing of ramming their ideas into others\' heads.Some of the Protestants / Pentecostals are also likewise zealous.
But, as Orthodox, we must let our living, our choices, our priorities and our steadfastness do the talking - quietly but firmly - not being swayed by trends or nice-sounding philosophies. The writings of our Church Fathers is one big treasure that we would be foolish not to delve into.
Besides, terrorism in various forms has been present from the very beginning. The killing of boys below the age of 2 by King Herod comes to mind. And of course , the numerous cases of persecutions suffered by the faithful over the ages can, in a way be classified as terrorism of sorts, I guess.
Here\'s something I\'d like to share in the midst of all this misery...
The Serenity Prayer - by Reinhold Niebuhr
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
God bless,
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