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I think terrorists are not a new species of human, but ordinary men, albeit great evildoers.
But they are not rabid, in the sense of incoherent ferocity; most have a serious grievance over the creation of the state of Israel, the American bases in Arabia, the prisons such as Guantanamo, the regime in Egypt, etc.
We must deal with criminals as criminals. But we should also consider that our actions, even if we find them justified, are adverse to these people\'s legitimate hopes and interests. Some of our actions might be judged wrong. Others might be judged imprudent, or poor strategy. It\'s no use saying we cannot yield an inch to an enemy - every polity has had to yield to some enemies some time. If a new enemy arises with a capacity to challenge us, we have to face the fact, as all nations face the fact, that we are no exception.
What i am saying is that these terrorists are more like a normal enemy, than a special disease. More like criminals than an army, true, but at some level indicators of underlying historical and contemporary wrongs.
Imagine a Saudi army base in your state. Imagine a Cuban prison encampment on a choice bit of your coast. Imagine any reversal of what is resented, and perhaps the anger begins to make sense. I do not at all justify their actions, however.
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