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Thread: Prophecy
Hello all assorted persons of the Circle!
I was actually curious to hear other people's thoughts on the topic of prophecy (I've got my own thoughts, but who doesn't? I'll try to keep mine from getting too explosive). Last Sunday our priest talked a little on prophecy, and sadly I can't remember quite what he said (something about not confusing prophecy with seeing the future). Now, I'm not, never have been, and probably never will be a determinist, and I don't really believe the future to be predictable. But the Bible is full of references to prophecy (even though we're only given a limited number of actual prophecies on an even more limited number of topics). So, what are your thoughts? What exactly is prophecy? What purpose does it serve? Why does St. Paul (at least I think it's him) tell us to seek especially the gift of prophecy?
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