Hello all assorted persons of the Circle!
I was actually curious to hear other people's thoughts on the topic of prophecy (I've got my own thoughts, but who doesn't? I'll try to keep mine from getting too explosive). Last Sunday our priest talked a little on prophecy, and sadly I can't remember quite what he said (something about not confusing prophecy with seeing the future). Now, I'm not, never have been, and probably never will be a determinist, and I don't really believe the future to be predictable. But the Bible is full of references to prophecy (even though we're only given a limited number of actual prophecies on an even more limited number of topics). So, what are your thoughts? What exactly is prophecy? What purpose does it serve? Why does St. Paul (at least I think it's him) tell us to seek especially the gift of prophecy?
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Jenn Rademacher
Gabriel, have you ever experienced a Deja vu moment? What are your thoughts on that, do you consider it a possible fulfillment (personal prophecy) of a previous dream you had?
The Bible gives mention that there will be those who \"dream dreams and see visions.\"
My thoughts are, we are caught in time and with God being the 'alpha and omega', 'beginning and the end', who is outside time, and we are His offspring heading toward theosis, I would think the more we seek His face, pray and become more like Him, we would have the ability to see things not having yet occurred in time? (Sorry long winded sentence) These are just my thoughts; I have not read anything on what the Father's have written regarding this subject.
yours in Christ, Jenn
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Jenn Rademacher
repeat entry, only for subscribing to the thread. :-)
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I have been taught that prophecy is foremost declaring what the will of God is. Quite a bit from the Old Testament has been \"future-based\" because it gives a chance for God to tell His people, \"If you keep going in this direction, this is what will happen.\" If it is not a good direction, the LORD gives people time to change the path they are on. Jesus called John the Baptist the greatest of prophets. John's only declaration of the future was to tell God's people to get ready for the coming of the Messiah. Besides that, his ministry was in the present.
-- Gamliel
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I wonder if prophecy refers to a state of being, more so than an actual event or action? Under quantum mechanics, it's impossible to tell the future because it's impossible to know all the properties of every particle at once. Therefore, the closer one draws to God (who is transcendent of nature and natural law) it seems one would become more \"aware\" or \"interconnected\" with the creation through God. In this \"transcendent\" state, perhaps we begin to see things in a new way. As Gamliel said, a sort of revelation or deeper understanding of God's will and/or intentions. So perhaps it's not a prediction of the future, but a deeper understanding of the patterns and nuances of creation.
Oh well. Just a possible take on the topic. Great thoughts so far. Thanks!
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