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I feel for you. My son who is in the Navy has similar issues. A rate that is not being promoted, a dead end job (honor guard at funerals) HAHAHA No pun really intended. He has said he wants to get out as well. Unlike you he doesn\'t have a degree, so you have something positive that you can work with. Sometimes mothers are really just voicing their fears about what could happen to you. That fear sometimes comes out in inappropriate ways, particularly if your Mom is going through the change. I know this isn\'t true for everyone, but Moms rarely realize this stuff is happening to them and so they lash out at the nearest person.
She\'s afraid for you. She needs to know you love her, and you don\'t want to hurt her, but you are a man, and know what you want for you. It may not work, but if you don\'t try you will never know and always regret it.
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