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I want to thank everyone for the advise given so far.
Artintel brought up a good point about the economy. There is no guarenteed job waiting for me.
But, there is no guarentee that there is a retirement waiting for me in three years either.
One thing I have to understand is that my mom grew up in the 1930s and 1940s. If you had a job, you just didn\'t quit.
I understand that.
But, my mom doesn\'t know that the military is different now than it was 30 or 40 years ago, when my dad was in. It is even different now, than it was 10 years ago. I serve no usuful purpose to the Army in a garrison environment. I only do my job in Iraq and maybe Afghanistan, and before I went to Iraq I only did my job ONCE, at Fort Gordon between 2003 and 2005.
I am fully aware of the risk. Also, like the Desert Fathers have said, \\"Don\'t expect you reward here on Earth, expect it in Heaven.\\" It might not be an exact quote, but maybe I am chasing a dream, and will never be happy with any job.
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