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Chrysanthos wrote:
a) You are a man now. You decide.
b) Listen to what karatebon and nikola and others have said. They are right.
c) You are 42. Most officers retire at that age. The best time for you to become an officer was 20 years ago. Plus, how can you be in command of others when you are not even in command of your own self?
d) The reason your mother still treats you like a boy is because until now you still have not achieved that level of emotional maturity it takes to step out from under the apron and be your own man.
e) I know that what I say sounds harsh but I really feel that you need a wake-up call. So, this is your \"smack upside the head\" so to speak. I say this in a spirit of brotherly love (tough love) as a retired Army soldier. You are one of my 'band of brothers' and I care about your welfare.
Your brother in Service and in Christ, -Mike
Thank you for your honesty. That s one thing I have always hated about the Army. Too many people that don\'t want to be honest. A few examples: I asked an officer if he would approve my OCS packet. He said no. Why? His excuse was that I \\"didn\'t know what a Humvee brake adjustment tool was. That made me angry. A little bit anyway. I asked another officer what he thought about me becoming an officer and he said, \\"I like you.\\" He didn\'t answer the question, but I\'ll be glad to know that somebody \\"likes\\" me.
I like you Mike. And if you ever asked me if I thought you were an honest person I would probably tell you that I like you (then pause), then say yes I think you are an honest person.
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