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Manoli Maginas
Somsoc wrote:
We are people and are prone to mistakes.
I know this is off topic, but I want to quote myself here. In my Oratorical Festival speech for this year, I talk on the topic \\"To be pleasing God, this is to be a human being. -St. John Chrysostom. How does one please God?\\" and related questions.
Now, quoting myself, \\"...This is what is pleasing to God. Now St. John Chrysostom did not just say \'be pleasing to God,\' but rather he said that it is HUMAN to be pleasing to God. He didn\'t mean \'human\' the way we mean it when we say, \'well, I\'m only human.\' He meant what human nature was intended to be when God created us, before the fall....Using Christ, Who is pleasing to His Father [Theophany and Transfiguration], as our Example, we can draw the conclusion that it is human, it is natural, it is part of our nature, to please God and to do His Will, by loving Him, loving our brethren, and keeping the Commandments.\\"
In other words, saying \\"We\'re human and prone to make mistakes\\" doesn\'t cut it. It is HUMAN to please God. Now, because we live in a fallen world, we have a tendency to sin (correct me if I\'m wrong, but I think that this is the Orthodox \\"original sin\\" similar to what the RC\'s call \\"concupiscance\\" or something like that. We don\'t believe we\'re actually guilty of Adam\'s sin). But that doesn\'t mean that we shouldn\'t try to live above our expectations as fallen creatures to what we were created to do and to be...pleasing to God.
And, Nishizawa, I know they\'re not Orthodox, I\'m just saying that are there accusations true, and all this stuff. I know we\'re the True Church. \\"true Orthodox\\" is an oximoron, since Orthodoxy means \\"true belief.\\" I know we\'re the true Church, but I\'m just wondering about all those stuff they said.
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