James Anthony
leeand00 wrote:
I mean God created Satan, what the was He thinking?
Okay so we know that God, wants us to Love and have Faith in Him. The definition of Love, and the definition of Faith, both require that the person having confidence or acting in love have the free-will to select the opposite action; that is to not have confidence in, or choose to not love the entity toward whom the Love or Faith is being directed.
Now who created love? Who created faith? Who gave us free-will? God did.
Now my question is, why would God, being all powerful, able to do anything,
make the actions of love and faith, that are optional by their very definition, if He wants us to love and have faith in Him?
God sounds quite schizophrenic to me, He's set himself up for disappointment by giving his creatures free-will.
What am I missing here?
Part Duex; Freewill:
Yes Virginia, there are absolutes!
As a Church, and in the world we near the annual celebration of The Incarnation! This is an undeniable \"absolute\" The reason for which celebration, again undeniably so, is the sin stained separation of mankind from his Creator. This separation we all know as the result of the fall from the grace due to a \"bad choice\" in The Garden of Eden.
The Fall was again the result of a bad decision by an archangel, Lucifer! Lucifer wanted to be equal to God. Just as sin severed the relationship of mankind and God in the Garden, Lucifer's \"choice\" sired evil into God's creation.
Again, God: about whose energies we can only speculate without having a clue as how to describe His Essence, allows action and reaction to flow on with no \"do overs\", providing in the fullness of His plan as prophesied in the Garden, a Redeemer, Jesus Christ Our Lord!
By The Redeemer's Incarnation, Passion, burial and Resurrection and Ascension (\"...I have done what you have sent me to do...It is finished....), the father/sire of evil, was defeated by the weapon he himself had crafted, death!
The first and most principal thing however to consider, is not so much \"Where did evil come from?\", but our individual responses to the gift of God's grace. Answering that question has a more significant outcome on our future. (Not that yous is of no importance)
If no one answers to your minds satisfaction, you should not withhold embracing God; for, with all our mental faculties we will never be able to embrace even the least of what we know about God who created, and loves us!
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