Charles Compston
Sandblasted is right.
Love is an energy from God to all of creation. By definition Love cannot seek itself, or it's own self interest-Love must be sacrificial or it is fake.
It is the Love from God that created the cosmos, the world, and everything encompassed by that Love.
Evil is a vagary of perception. St. Gregory Palamas has some excellent writings on \"evil\" and sin; i would suggest reading some of his writings.
Sin is done of a persons own freewill, and not of God's will. In fact sin is in direct opposition to the will of God so cannot come from God at all-God does not do the opposite of His own will.
St. Marcarius said it best that our freewill is proof of how far we have fallen. In the Garden we did the will of God out of Love. Our ancestors sin created an opposition to the will of God through their own will.
Evil, in and of itself, does not exist, nor can anything embody it. God declared everything in the cosmos good therefore there can be no \"evil\". There is only sin which is an \"evil\" against God.
Sin is transitory and not a permanent condition according to the Fathers. Blessed Augustine is an exception to this rule with his theology of Inherent Sin making everyone culpable for the first sin of humanity-essentially making everyone a sinner before birth. Of course it begs the question of what, if anything, Christ accomplished on the Cross and His resurrection which is why the Orthodox east never adopted this ideology.
Evil is a verb-not a noun. It is something done, not someone or an object, according to the Fathers. Some consider sickness evil, to others something as malignant as weeds can be evil, or bugs can be evil. As i said in the beginning-a vagary of perception depending on the conditions of the individual and whether they consider something evil.
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