Laura DeAngelis
Vera you cannot avoid the world you live in and by the Presence of God in it, I'd say that this is paradise found. The secret to living rightly is to find Love from within. Beauty and goodness stems from that.
Here is the first rule, find your first love. No it's no mom. It is God, you creator and fashioner, Then it becomes His will and not mine. Obedience to Him. Rule 2. As you begin to see Him as a Lover of Mankind, look only for Goodness in other's and yourself, refuse to acknowledge anything but, and exemplify kindness, patience and trust. Rule 3. Without forgiveness, nothing else is possible. (say without ceasing I forgive them) and don't forget to include yourself. Rule 4. Give more than you get. Rule 5. Do unto other's as you have them do unto you. (This is the mercy one, pray for all, always for God's mercy).
Trusting that God love's you and all of us, we must rely on His strength and not ours. Yes, we fail, but we never give up or stop trying. The focus is on Love. God is Love. Love is all we all hope and seek.
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