I haven't listened all the way through. I think I heard enough to get the \"jist\" and wanted to comment on a few things.
First I think Cyprian really hit the nail on the head with his estimation. Kudos to you once again.
Second I had a college buddy go on to become a protestant pastor from a tradition that is trying to be \"restorationists\" (the intent is to try and work towards Christian unity). While working on his MDiv he took a full semester class on Orthodoxy. They went through Ware's Orthodox Way, Philokalia, and something on the Theotokos. (excuse me if my spelling is off) They also had several Orthodox guest speakers. He told me the point was to understand Orthodoxy better. He never once heard a criticism, nor thought dis favorably towards Orthodoxy. The point is there are places of real education where churches of different faiths can actually be represented well.
Reguardless this person is not one of those, and any educated or intelligent person would see or find this, in this case. He is obviously trying to tear others down as only he has the \"truth.\"
Taking that in light I would encourage your friend to look towards motives. In my own study / observation of protestant churches I notice one of two things is generally done. The person tearing down is trying to make a name for himself for either power or money. The charasmia of the speaker should never suck one into that which isn't good for you.
Tell your friend to really look for himself, ask if what he is learning is \"manufactured\" meaning man made. Or if what he's going into is really \"godufactured\" in this case meaning God made. Then ask yourself which is really best for you.
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