It sounds like this person is at least giving Orthodoxy the dignity of error, which is profound. I'd much rather deal with this kind of polemic than just be patted on the head and told that Orthodoxy is true for me... If he says Orthodoxy can be wrong, that is the same as allowing it to be taken seriously.
But in another contact at least the Reformed version of understanding Orthodoxy is letting Orthodoxy fill out the details of a Reformed framework however it wants. My [url=]An Orthodox Looks at a Calvinist Looking at Orthodoxy[/url] was a response to a Calvinist who got a D.Min. from an Orthodox seminary and put his finger on a lot of things other Reformed Christians might feel. I wrote my response because I think he was wrong, but the original text struck me as worth responding to (and is quoted in full, with permission).
[url=]Christos Jonathan[/url]
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