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Ramy G
Hello my friend,
I\'m glad we agree about many points. As for an answer to your question, I believe Gordios described it very well. The post-schism catholicism is the Truth added to and differently emphasized. The Truth lies there, but it cannot be readily and easily enjoyed because of the many wrong emphases. It\'s not all or none, but rather more and less. It\'s not that christianity outside of Orthodoxy is NOT christianity at all but rather less christianity than what Christ is capable of offering us if we are open to Him by arming ourselves with the right Orthodox perspectives. It\'s not unlike the ladder of Divine ascent: Orthodoxy provides you with the mean to come closer to Christ and enjoy the restoration of communion with God broken by sin and death. There will be those among the Orthodox christians who will not use the Orthodox way and benefit from it. There will be those who possess something less but use it to its fullest, they will be closer but never as close had they had access to Orthodoxy, which should not be a secret for it is God\'s way to reconciliation, to an abundant life now and ever, for the person and the community, even the civilization. It amazes me how many years and efforts are lost and wasted in search for what God can offer in Orthodoxy for the person and society. I am positive you\'ll find your way because these stirrings are God\'s work in a seeking person. God\'s blessings to you. Promise.
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