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I think Reader Michael gives an uncharitable description of the Uniates, who call themselves Eastern Catholics or Byzantine-Rite Catholics.
As I understand the history, these were Orthodox Christians living in the western Ukraine who were conquered by the \\"Holy Roman (Austrian) Empire\\" during the late 16th century. They were forcibly reunited with the Roman Pope in the Union of Brest in 1596 (
But they still do not profess the filioque, and as I understand they venerate the saints of the Orthodox Church. So, they see themselves as fully Orthodox, but reunited with Rome. The irony is that the Union of Brest, which was supposed to help reunite the Christian East and West, has instead become another (serious) impediment against it.
In response to the original question, I suppose about the closest thing you could point to for a \\"Roman Orthodox Church\\" would be a Western-Rite Orthodox Church. In the Antiochian Archdiocese and in the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR) there exists some western Christian bodies who have expressed a desire to reunite with the Christian East. Many of these have been Episcopal Churches who have wished to return to traditional Christian practices. Thus the Antiochian Archdiocese founded the Western Rite vicarate. These ar churches who wish to observe western Christian worship and belief as it existed prior to 1453. For more information on this see and also
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