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Interesting story. God bless you.
My road has been a little less eventful (so
far), but my errors are perhaps unique to
me. In any case, I have made my own
bucket of errors, but my syncretism has
not been with Christian and non-Christian
elements, but with pan-Protestant,
mainline and evangelical-charismatic
mish-mash of confusing (confused) doctrines
... my sins have been moral failures, of
erotic or semi-erotic nature ... so far, I
am in an immature mode, but as I grow
older, I am getting too old for the same
nonsense ... though I still commit my share
of new nonsense .... but God has been
very patient with me .... I\'ve come through
with a few scars so far; but I am, only now,
slowly beginning to heal .... slowly
beginning ... to heal:
but I still need to become Orthodox ...
\"and I still haven\'t found what I\'m looking for
...\" (Bono, \"U2\" ) ....
God save us.
God save all of you.
God bless you, dear Nectarios.
PS I need God\'s love more than His miracles,
but I believe His love can produce a share
(portion) of miracles (even for me, if
needed ....)
Time will tell .... what God has prepared
for me.
God help me to love Him all the more,
each new day.
For forever.
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Hello Nektarios,
While I am sorry that any human would have to walk the road you did, I praise our Great God that you have found your way.
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rading your whole story which is painfull, i think of God waiting to make his entrance and then changing it all. such a story seems really difficult that would have a good end. but He is powerful and merciful and can wash you clean of all of your past. Thats why the Son of God came, to give us freedom and salvation.
I hope you have a happy and saint life in Christ our Lord.
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