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Misha_ wrote:
Many are the miracles of St. Spyridon to our dearest Orthodoxy. It seems that the Saint does not share the enthusiasm of certain Ecumenist clerics. Because we do not wish to draw attention to specific names at this point, we would simply like to mention that very recently, an important Orthodox hierarch in Corfu had decided to go and meet with Latin Papists outside the island, himself being a philo-Papist. However, he never made it back to the island as he suddenly dropped dead.
It seems that the Saint does not want those clerics who make openings to the Latins back in his island ...
Probably because St. Spyridon attended the First Ecumenical Council and was a champion of the Truth that came out of that Council...the Nicene Creed. Without the Filioque, that is. He probably doesn\'t care for those who tampered (or tamper) with it. BTW, I accuse those of deliberately mistranslating it as being just as guilty as those who added the Filioque. You can\'t substitute the word \"remission\" with \"forgiveness\". They have different meanings in English and in Greek.
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