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I\'ve never read it, nor seen the movie, more to being a poor and busy young adult then anything else, so I\'m not completely for sure.
I remember reading somewhere though something about the killing of God, the animal friends called daemons and other issues. But really I\'d have to read/watch the movie it to be sure. I\'m guessing that he knew exactly what he was doing (that he knew he would get some blacklash) and wanted the publicity for his books.
Whats funny is what really ticked me off about it all was him talking about C.S. Lewis! I remember Pullman told an audience made up largely of children and young people that he had first read the Narnia books when he was a teacher. He added: \\"I realised that what he was up to was propaganda in the cause of the religion he believed in. It is monumentally disparaging of girls and women. It is blatantly racist. One girl was sent to hell because she was getting interested in clothes and boys.\\" This statement is not true at all about the books that C.S. wrote. He said a lot of other things that bashed the Narnia books, and all his statements were both untrue and hypocritical. He has also admitted to writing the book like the Narnia books, just \\"better\\". He seems a little too egotisical about himself!
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