The Pirates were too cute for words! I have always loved Veggie Tales- my love started with Rack, Shack and Benny (3 Youths) and then the Dave and the Giant Pickle (David and Goliath.) So you can imagine how happy I was to take my 4 year old son to the big screen to see the jolly veggies.
Unfortunately, although he is very familiar with the characters and their many silly songs, he was terrified for the entire second half of the movie. In his defense, the attack of the chomping :grin: Cheese Puffs was a bit scary. (I used to regard them as a very harmless snack barring the possible cheese stains on your clothes.) And in the end the writers did a great job of calming his fears with a silly song of Rock Monster!
I\'d love to discuss the theological morsels in the movie if anyone is interested.
Has anyone else seen it? Any other Veggie Tale fans out there?
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