Christ is Risen!Glad to see you are in contact with Fr's Kyrill and Mefodi. They are with the Bulgarian Diocese as I am also.Say hi to them if you speak tothem again.God Bless
GreetingsI must say that as a priest, the normal people in my parish are the special needs people. The special needs persons that I have worked with as both a priest and a therapist are closer to God than myself. I feel that most people are afraid to get close to those different from them, mostly from not realizing and perceiving a soul within them.God Bless!
Guy Mengel
.Post in Special needs people
Fr. germogen bless; Thanks for your kind response. Indeed what you say has been said to me before. Hieromonk Father Kyrill, palmyra, va. Has told me this several times. He and Igumen Father Mefodi have been praying for Luke for at least 2 years now. I will still pray that some good soul comes Luke's way. Luke sometimes gets tired of doing things with his now aging parents .. ;-). Thanks again Theodotus
Guy Mengel
.Post in Special needs people
Christ is Risen! Hello all, I am curious to see if there are any here with "Special Needs" children, adults.  I am an Orthodox Convert (we ARE all converts in one way or another are we not?) who entered Holy Orthodoxy early 2008.  I have a son, Luke, who will be 19 very soon with a very very rare genetic disorder called "Mosaic Trisomy 13".  His story (not very well written by me..) is here: (there are some pictures).   caveate emptor: If you are of a mind to see what Trisomy 13 is and decide to look on the internet, be warned.  Some of the images can be very upseting. I would love to make friends, discsuss strategies and just talk, from an Orthodox basis about these very special people.  Life is a HUGE challenge every day now. The Orthodox Church plays a MAJOR role in Luke's life (and ours!).  Luke now lives in a group home in Winchester, VA with 4 other young men.  We take him to Liturgy every Sunday at one of 2 parishes, depending on whether he is coming home for a visit (about every 3 weeks for an overnight).   The Priests at each of the parish's have been absoulutely wonderful working with Luke...he serves at the altar in each Church when Liturgy is served, and when we can take Luke (about 1.5 hours one way from home..) cant seem to get any others in the parishes interested in really getting to know Luke though.  Seems these with "special needs" have a major tendancy to scare folks away.. To be honest, as with anything, becoming involved in another's life as a friend, a true friend, is risky business. I joined OC many moons ago... I am happy to see it is back.. Guy (I was chrismated as "Theodotus" ).