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Aaron Muir Hamilton
I am not native, but having heard it many times, I think that you could work on your ح (e.g. in the word رَحَمَات). Need to put some breath into it.
You are following the melody well though. :+ )
Emily Zushi
Aaron Muir Hamilton Thank you! Could you try and put that letter and word into Roman letters? I can’t read it.
Aaron Muir Hamilton
Emily Zushi it is often transcribed as ḥ (h with dot below), the example word being ‘raḥamāt’
Here is the reference for the letter: <>
Heth - Wikipedia
Emily Zushi
Aaron Muir Hamilton Thank you!!!
Aaron Muir Hamilton
Emily Zushi It's not extremely difficult to learn Arabic script, and it will give you access to more learning resources.
For example, the website Youglish will find a word for you somewhere in all of YouTube so that you can hear it in ordinary spoken context; but in order to use that you will need... View More
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