by The Tabellion 152 views
Who were the parents of Mary? How was she born and why was she chosen? How was she betrothed to Joseph? Where did the brothers of the Lord come from? If John the Baptist was six months older than Christ, how did he survive the Herod's wrath?
The Protoevangelium of James is an early Christian text that records much of the Church's tradition for the Nativity of Christ that wasn't mentioned in the Gospel accounts of Matthew and Luke. While forgotten in the West, the Protoevangelium has remained a popular text in the East, having preserved the written record of many early Christian beliefs, from the early life of Mary to the circumstances surrounding Christ's birth.
This is the Christmas Story you haven't Heard Before
00:00 Intro
01:23 What is the Protoevangelium of James?
07:44 Joachim and Anna
13:31 The Birth of Mary
16:34 Mary's Dedication to the Temple
18:06 The Betrothal to Joseph
21:37 The Annunciation
23:59 Accusations and the Trial
29:16 The Census
30:50 Christ is Born
35:12 The Magi Appear
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