On June 1/14 the Church commemorates the great Theologian and Confessor, St. Justin Popović. This is the canon chanted during matins. Listen to more from St. Justin here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzFKi22k2KYgxvJMJchHwGAWGZebY0s2sBooks to purchase by St. Justin-Orthodox Faith and Life in Christ: https://churchsupplies.jordanville.org/9781884729027/-The Orthodox Church and Ecumenism: https://lazarica.co.uk/bookshop/-Saint Justin Popovic "The New Philosopher": His Life and Service: https://churchsupplies.jordanville.org/9780578635743/-Commentary of the Epistles of St. John the Theologian: https://sebastianpress.org/justin-popovich-commentary-on-the-epistles-of-st-john-the-theologian/-Notes on Ecumenism: https://sebastianpress.org/notes-on-ecumenism/-Man and the God-Man: https://sebastianpress.org/archimandrite-justin-popovich-man-and-the-god-man/_______Orthodox Wisdom is dedicated to sharing the writings and lives of the Saints of the Orthodox Church. Glory to Jesus Christ!