by Jay Dyer 446 views
— FR. VLADIMIR KAYDANOV – orthodox priest
— VERONICA ANDROSOVA – professor of theology
— JAY DYER – author
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Dr Veronica Androsova joins me and Fr Vladimir Kaydanov to kick off our introduction to the Apocalypse series that will deal with, as far as we plan, the entire text, chapter by chapter. This introduction chat is helpful in dispelling many of the erroneous assumptions out there as to why the book is practical and useful.
Dr. Veronica is a Lecturer, translator and author. Doctor of Theology. Senior lecturer of Nikolo-Ugreshskaya Orthodox seminary (in Dzerzhinsk, Moscow region, from 2021 till now), taught in Saint-Tikhon Orthodox University of Humanities (Moscow, 2010-2015)
Doctor of Theology (Moscow, 2013). She has two Master degrees of Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. In 2016 obtained an Advanced Master in Theology and Religious Studies (Master of Arts) from the Faculty of Theology. In 2019 obtained a Master in Educational Studies (Master of Science) from the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy.
Graduated from Saint-Tikhon Orthodox University of Humanities (Moscow, 2009), from the Faculty of Theology. Has had theology as a main specialization, and two additional ones: “Classical languages and Ancient Christian literature” and “Translator in the sphere of professional communication” (English).
Author of several books on the Bible. “Heavenly Books in the Apocalypse of John” (2013); “The Bible for Everyone: a Course in 30 Units. Volume 1: the Old Testament” (2016) and “The Bible for Everyone… Volume 2: the New Testament” (2016); “Apocalypse – a book of hope” (2021).
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