by Orthodox Wisdom 136 views
Metropolitan Philaret's letter to Archbishop Iakovos of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, written in 1969 in response to ecumenical prayer gatherings and statements expressing heretical ecclesiology from both the Archbishop and Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras. Notice the royal path exhibited here by the great hierarch: when addressing the Archbishop and Patriarch he is very respectful, consistently using the given honorifics and hierarchical titles, yet stands firmly on the truth set down by the Apostles and Holy Fathers.
Purchase "Metropolitan Philaret of New York: Zealous Confessor for the Faith" edited by Subdeacon Nektarios Harrison, M.A. here:
For more on the topic of this video, buy "On Common Prayer with the Heterodox
According to the Canons of the Church" by Protopresbyter Anastasios Gotsopoulos:
This recording was originally posted on the @OrthodoxEthos channel:
More recordings from Orthodox Wisdom on Met. Philaret:
The Life of Metropolitan Philaret of New York:
Patriotism & War:
On the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ:
Met. Philaret writes:
"Our silence might be construed as consent, bringing consequent confusion to our own flock as well as misunderstanding to the heterodox expecting our actions, especially in matters of public worship to be performed by all of us in conformance with our doctrines and canons. Therefore, an incorrect action made by one Bishop may be taken for something permitted by the whole Church, and those who are 'without' may form a misconception in regard to Orthodox doctrine. In a time such as this, when so much mutual interest is shown by various confessions, we may be found offering them a stone instead of a loaf of bread."
"We have in mind your recent participation at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in the 'Week of Prayer for Christian Unity', and the 'Ecumenical Doxology' in the Greek Cathedral of the Holy Trinity. The very fact that these services were publicized by the press as novelties with no precedent is indicative of their being introduced into the life of the Church as something extraordinary and not properly pertaining to her nature. Which canon, what tradition gave you the right to introduce such novelties?...Your Eminence must be aware of the 45th Apostolic Canon which reads, 'Let a Bishop, Presbyter or Deacon who has only prayed with heretics be excommunicated, but if he has permitted them to perform any clerical office, let him be deposed.' The renowned canonist Bishop Nikodim of Dalmatia, in his interpretation of this canon remarks that participation in such a prayer with heterodox 'means that we not only do nothing for their conversion to Orthodoxy, but are wavering in it ourselves.' In this case Your Eminence not only violated an ancient tradition of the Orthodox Church founded on canons (Apostolic 10 and 45, Laodic. 6, 32 and 33) but also in your actions and statements, conforming to those of Patriarch Athenagoras, you have expressed a teaching foreign to the Fathers of our Church."
"The Holy Fathers however always regarded common public prayer as the culmination of the conversion of erring persons to the true Church — the achievement of it; not the means to it. Common Church prayer is a manifestation of an already existing unity of faith and spirit."
"In a speech during his visit to Rome in 1967, His Holiness Patriarch Athenagoras publicly declared in the Basilica of St. Peter that the Church should 'return to the solid ground on which the undivided Church was founded' as if since 1054 the Church has lost this foundation and as if before that time there existed no schisms. If, as Your Eminence and His Holiness declare, you are proceeding toward the restoration of this 'Undivided Church,' then this means that for you the Church is at present non-existent. We are also inescapably brought to the conclusion that Your Eminence and the Patriarch accept the 'branch' theory."
"You are uniting with the heterodox not in truth but in indifference to it."
"Let it be clear to everyone that your concelebration with the heterodox is a unique episode which may not serve as a precedent or an example for others, but which causes concern and resolute protest on the part of devoted members of the Church as an action which is clearly un-Orthodox and in violation of the Holy Canons."
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