by Orthodox Wisdom 117 views
St. Ignatius Brianchaninov writes in his book “The Field: Cultivating Salvation”:
“Filled with worry and futility is my cross, no matter how heavy it may be if it does not become the Cross of Christ through our following in His footsteps. My cross becomes the Cross of Christ if I am a disciple of Christ, because a disciple of Christ is firmly convinced that Christ watches over him at all times; that Christ allows his sorrows as the inescapable and inevitable condition of Christianity; and that no sorrow would ever approach him if it were not allowed by Christ; and that through sorrows, the Christian becomes one with Christ, becomes a partaker of His lot on earth, and later in heaven.”
“Patient bearing of "my cross" is true recognition of one's sins. In this knowledge, there is no self-deception. However, he who admits himself to be a sinner but at the same
time complains and groans from his cross, only proves that he is lying to himself with his superficial admission of sinfulness.”
“Thank God from the cross, thank Him for the priceless treasure of your own cross, for the precious gift to be able to emulate Christ's sufferings.”
“The Cross of Christ raises the crucified disciple of Christ from the earth. The disciple of Christ who is crucified on his cross thinks only of the heights, with his mind and heart he lives only in heaven, already seeing the mysteries of the Spirit in Christ Jesus, our Lord.”
This is a recording of chapter 32 from “The Field: Cultivating Salvation”. Buy the book here:
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