by Orthodox Teaching of the Elders 125 views
Fr. Ephraim of Katounakia, a well known ascetic and spiritual father of Mount Athos, disciple of Elder Joseph the Hesychast, teaches us how to pray with Jesus Prayer.
WMA (Wisdom from Mount Athos) Series
Subtitles: English
Fr. Ephraim:
"Hey you, little, say the prayer! [wordplay in Greek]
Set an hour during the day or the night and say the pray! Word by word and perceive it with your mind!
Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me...
Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me...
Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me...
This is how you should say the prayer!
And with time, according to the measure of your purity, and according to the measure of your zeal, the first thing you will find is 'joy'!
Joy will determine you to say the prayer more often. And prayer will give you even more and greater joy.
Another joy will be inside of you, that you didn't know before.
Another light, another beauty, another sweetness, another state of well-being.
You will see the whole nature bathed in a beauty, in a sweetness...
You will see the entire nature, the entire creation of the unseen God.
And these are nothing, they are small things, a pebble on the beach...
There are many more great things that you will feel by saying the prayer! Then you will have another spiritual horizon, another spiritual food, another spiritual garment, which now you can not even imagine.
When God will see your desire, your zeal, that you are looking for Him in the prayer, then you will see what the spiritual things are, the unspeakable goods, what is that Paradise which you feel, foretaste, glimpse, even here in this life... We foretaste the eternal good things even while living on the earth... And they will give us much zeal to serve Christ even more."
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