Thomas B
on July 1, 2013 716 views
This is a very blessed Romanian man of God and Theologian, Dumitru Stăniloa:ăniloae:

From Wikipedia:
"Dumitru Stăniloae (29 November [O.S. 16 November] 1903 Vlădeni, Braşov County - 5 October 1993) was a Romanian Eastern Orthodox priest, theologian, academic, and professor. Father Stăniloae worked for over 45 years on a comprehensive Romanian translation of the Philokalia, a collection of writings by the Church Fathers, together with the hieromonk, Arsenie Boca, who brought manuscripts from Mount Athos. His masterpiece, The Dogmatic Orthodox Theology (1978), makes him one of the most reputed Christian Theologians of the second half of the 20th century. He produced valuable comments on the works of the Fathers of the Church, such as Gregory of Nyssa, Maximus the Confessor, or Athanasius the Great."


"Dumitru Staniloae

Father Dumitru Stăniloae

Dumitru Stăniloae was a priest of the Church of Romania who is renowned as an Orthodox theologian, academic, and professor. In addition to commentary on the works of the Church Fathers and a Romanian translation of the Philokalia, his 1978 masterpiece The Dogmatic Orthodox Theology established him as one of the foremost Christian theologians of the later half of the twentieth century.

Dumitru was born on November 16, 1903, in Vladeni, Brasov County, Romania, to Irimie and Rebecca Stăniloae. His mother, Rebecca, was the niece of a priest. He was the youngest of their five children. At the age of thirteen he began studies at the Andrei Şaguna Confessional Humanist Lyceum. The following year he received a fellowship from the Gojdu Foundation. In 1922, he received a fellowship from Cernăuţi University but found the course of study unsatisfactory and withdrew after one year. From 1923-1924 he attended classes at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Bucharest."

Read this if you are interested in Orthodoxy: