on February 3, 2013 297 views
+After Muslim savages burned the St.George Coptic Orthodox Church in Sool village-Atfih-Helwan-Egypt 4-3-2011

8000 Muslim mob in the village of Atfih - Helwan, south of Cairo
Muslims have stepped up over the Dome of the church and Destruction completely broke all the crosses on the dome and towers, blew up a gas pipeline... within the church ...
Not that Only....
They get out the bones and relics of saints George,St.Minas & others then threw them in the street and kicked like football......
Dirty Egyptian army refused to intervene to protect the Christians and the church and took a passive role as usual
Battalion commander, the army was watching the demolition and burning of the church he drinks Pepsi-Cola is not interested in
His burning church burning the homes of Christians in the village and rape of Muslim men for the girls and Christian women.
Categories: Martyrs
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