on February 3, 2013 505 views
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In The New Atheist Novel, Arthur Bradley and Andrew Tate state that militant atheism is one of the elements "that make up the New Atheist creed." Ian H. Hutchinson, professor of nuclear science and engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has stated that the New Atheism movement constitutes militant atheism because demonstrates an "attack on religion" and a "lack of respect at all for religion." Prof. Hutchinson also states that the arguments employed by the New Atheism movement are extensions of intellectual threads which have existed since the late 19th century. As such, recently, the term militant atheist has been used, often pejoratively, to describe New Atheist leaders such as Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett and Victor Stenger. Paul Davies, an English physicist, defines a form of Christian atheism as being anti-militant-atheism, defining militant atheism as Dawkins' and Hitchens' position "to convince people that God doesn't exist as the most important intellectual task in our society." The same phenomenon takes place in works published by the academic journal titled "Studies: an Irish Quarterly Review," and "The Literary Review," as well as in academic literature, such as the Rowman & Littlefield published The Secularization Debate, and the Sydney University Press published Politics and Religion in the New Century, for example. These individuals have been labelled as militant atheists by other atheists such as Andrew Fiala, Professor of Philosophy at California State University, who in a paper published in the academic journal "International Journal for Philosophy of Religion" states that the 'claim that all religion is poisonous is linked to the final problem with the new breed of militant atheists: intolerance toward religion. It is this characteristic that leads me to call these new atheists "militant".' Fiala believes that much of their critique of religion is based upon the claim that atheism is true and that the claims of religion are false. He writes that "such an approach is often dogmatic in its assertion of cognitive superiority". Michael Ruse, a prominent atheist and biologist at Florida State University, has denounced militant atheism because of its attempt to conflate atheism and Darwinism. In addition, Bruce Sheiman, an Atheist 3.0 leader, has stated that "when militant atheists portray religion, they critique every political and organizational misdeed that can be attributed to it" but "portray science in idealized terms, untainted by commercial interests, political intrusions, and ethical conundrums."

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