on February 3, 2013 204 views
+ After 25 January Egyptian Revolution Egyptian Islamic army Storm tanks and armored vehicles & shoots at Coptic Orthodox monastery of St.Bishoy 23-2-2011

22-23 Jan 2011.
Islamic Egyptian army attack on three Coptic Orthodox monasteries in Egypt
the Monastery of St. Bishoy-Wadi El-Natron,
monastery of St. Macarios of Alexandria - Wadi El-Rayan - Fayoum.
Monastery of Saint Paul - Red Sea - the demolition of the walls and the arrest of monks and tortured!!!
Killed a Coptic Orthodox Priest Rev.Dawood Botros by 22 with a knife stabbed in Assiut, Christian Wife abduction from her home in Assiut, burn a Coptic church in Rafah - Sinai, try demolition of a Coptic church in Tahta and brought to the b...ell down from the tower of the church.
These are the achievements of the revolution, January 25 Egyptian
This is the real ugly face of Islam....
Categories: Martyrs
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