on February 3, 2013 136 views
-Muslim savages ready for the demolition and burning St.George Coptic Orthodox Church & holds the Ax with La Ellah Ella Allah & No to the Church Cheer,Al-Marenab Village,Egypt 30/9/2011

-Permit the demolition and rebuilding of the church documents and installed a new Muslim governor of Aswan is lying and say it was a guesthouse and not a church!!
-Muslims Prairie Destroy & Burn St.George Coptic Orthodox Church in Al-Marinab Village,Edfu-Aswan in Friday 30/9/2011
-After Friday prayers at a Mosque in the village of the Sheikh Order Muslims to go to the New Church, Destroy and burned after landing the Crosses from over the domes and tower ...with Allahu Akbar cheers...
-Muslims burn 3 Christian Copts houses too...
-This was by the blessing of the Muslim governor of Aswan....
Categories: Martyrs
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