5 members Orthodox Life
Hello Everyone!   I'll just begine by giving a brief summary about myself. I was born into a predominantely Muslim Palestinian family where we regularly practised our faith from a young age, learnt Quran and attended Islamic School. I was deeply religious throughout my teen years and never saw any issue with my Islamic faith. However, recently I have been drifting away from my faith - I have been having doubts about the Quran and have a lot of disagreemets with the doctrine of Islam especially when it came women. I have also developed an interest in Orthodox Christianity. My interest in this began several years when my family and I travelled to Palestine and visited several Orthodox monasteries. As a result I became intrigued by the worship of Orthodox Christians and wanted to find out more about the faith. It is not until very recently, when I started university, that I have begun to reserach the Orthodox faith especially with the decline of my Islamic faith. I do not personally know anyone who is Orthodox and that is why I have joined this site. I hope to meet members of the Orthodox community in Sydney and get a better grasp of the Orthodox faith.  
Andrew Aljabi
Andrew Hughes
Fr. Ninos Oshaana
Confessions of a poet: the Mystery of Love
13 members Orthodox Life
The mystery of Love itself, the hidden dimension, is Christ but it is also a unique layer a personal experience that can remain in the shadow if left unexpressed. Confessions of a poet is a place to share who you are, your inner feelings about (all forms) of love in a safe and supportive environment.
Vasiliki Didaskalou
Andrew Hughes
Christine Gilbert
Off-grid Living
54 members Orthodox Life
Discusses various ways of becoming independent from the grid, both through appropriate technology and low-tech and mechanical solutions.
Elizabeth D.
Alexander Lynch
Amanda Thoss
39 members Orthodox Life
Homesteading is a very satisfying lifestyle but also can be quite demanding. During very busy liturgical periods as well as fasting periods, it is difficult to balance the never-ending work with church services and deal with peak food production during prolonged fasting periods. Isolation is another issue as the result of rural homesteaders often living far from their Orthodox bretheren. So we Orthodox homesteaders have special needs and concerns compared to our nonOrthodox counterparts. Here, hopefully, we can support one another and offer fellowship. And an exchange of ideas can benefit anyone with land or an urban lot or balcony, who want to incorporate homesteading principles and have maximum food production in the space available to them.
Elizabeth D.
Alexander Lynch
Alicia Lewis
Orthodox Permaculture
27 members Orthodox Life
Orthodox Permaculture is for those interested in learning about and implementing permaculture principles in gardening, home food production and sustainable living, yet want to approach and apply these principles within an Orthodox Christian perspective.
68 members Orthodox Life
OrthodoxSimpleLiving is for those interested in a simpler way of life less dependent on the hustle and bustle of the modern world. Gardening, food preservation, root cellars, off-grid living, traditional crafts and hobbies can all be discussed here.
Elizabeth D.
јм.Партеније Дачић
A Mariama