10 members Parish Life
If 40 people attend Sunday Liturgy at your church, and it feels like a huge crowd, this group is for you. Small churches have unique problems - every 4th week, you have to sign up to host coffee hour again; your youth group has a hard time finding exciting activities for only 3 kids; if 2 of the ladies can't make it to an event, it's not worth having; you're exhausted because there are so few people do the work; etc... Let's share our struggles, coping skills, hopes and dreams, and plans for growth! (Thank you, ee cummings, for the inspiration for the name of this group.)
20 members Parish Life
Many people in our cities and towns are searching but do not yet realize that the Orthodox Church exists. Share ideas and suggestions for spreading the Truth of Orthodoxy to those who live in our communities. Did you have an event that worked well? Help other churchs avoid those that go over like a lead balloon! Post all your ideas and questions here, and let us support each other in our evangelistic efforts. Matthew 22:9