17 members Worship
There is a listserv called "prayer partners" that I'm part of. Messages are sent out at least once a day. I will try to forward these messages to this group at least every couple days, if not every day, due to time constraints etc. DURING LENT, I DO NOT PLAN TO LOG IN TO ORTHODOXCIRCLE VERY FREQUENTLY. THEREFORE, IF YOU JOIN DURING THE PERIOD OF THE GREAT FAST, EMAIL ME AT CampNazFanatic@verizon.net AND LET ME KNOW YOUR EMAIL SO THAT I CAN PUT YOU ON MY LIST TO FWD THESE MESSAGES TO.
3 members Worship
This is for those people who love the vigil service (Vespers and Matins) and either go every week, or would go every week if they could. You would much rather be there than at a party or a bar on Saturday night.
29 members Worship
Some days we don?t take our breakfast, and later our body faints. The same happens with our soul. When we don?t pray DAILY, spiritual hunger begins. The body and the soul, without food, both will die. Life is such a hurry... We have no time for this. Please, make your time. Is not a big deal. Is a wonderful pleasure to be with the Lord. Come here and write your prayer daily. Daily. For feeding your soul with the Bread of Life. Just pray.