Orthodox Christians for Rand Paul
8 members Political
Senator Rand Paul, M.D. is one of the nation’s leading advocates for liberty. Elected to the U.S. Senate in 2010, Dr. Paul has proven to be an outspoken champion for constitutional liberties and fiscal responsibility. As a fierce advocate against government overreach, Rand has fought tirelessly to return government to its limited, constitutional scope. The Senator was one of the few to advocate about the two Orthodox Bishops on national television and his Reganesque diplomacy-first foreign policy would be in direct contrast to past Presidents who have had a less than favorable, and even, agressive position towards Orthodox peoples.
9 members Political
For those who believe Monarchy to be the best form of government, the authority of Kings to come directly from God, and believe that legitimate government on Earth should follow the government of the Heavens. Discussions on specific rulers, periods, ideas, and political praxis/activism are welcome!
Evan LeDoux
Alexander Illmann
Curtis Campbell
21 members Political
This group is aimed at announcement and disclosure of difficulties that belong to the minority members where living non- Christian or non- Orthodox countries and cities all over the world. Also, it is associated for all people who are interested those issues that human rights, expanding of democracy, religious freedoms and explaning all problems and transgressions in these fields.